New Year's Wishes and Resolutions

Eat healthier, learn something new, get fit - what's yours?

New Year's Resolutions are a great way to start the year, and here at TranslatorsVillage we are already thinking about ours and what we want to achieve in 2016.

We would like to invite all of our fantastic translators to be a part of our New Year's Wishes campaign. We want to hear what your plans are for next year, whether it's learning a new skill (or language?), visiting new cities or eating more green vegetables! Or perhaps instead of a New Year's Resolution you have a Wish, something you would like to see happen in the forthcoming year.

No matter what it is, we would love to hear from you. We will feature a selection of New Year's Wishes/Resolutions on our homepage at the end of the month and into the New Year, alongside the translator's information. 

So if you would like to share your goals and be in the spotlight, get in touch with:

1) Your New Year's Wish/Resolution(s) in your native language
2) Your New Year's Wish/Resolution(s) translated into English
3) Your name and your native language

We're looking forward to hearing your goals and feeling inspired.

The TranslatorsVillage Team

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