Happy International Translation Day

TranslatorsVillage new Web

Every year we strive to celebrate International Translation Day, a day we are all more aware of a profession that has become fundamental due to globalisation. From flash-mobs to meetings with translators and clients, always adding something interesting to this blog.

This year we have launched a new website!

Internet is a language in itself, evolving every day. This year we have decided to celebrate the day of translation with a new website, even more simple, and at the same time ...
  • Safer. Migrating to https
  • Easier access (connection via Facebook or Linkedin)
  • Faster and responsive, changing according to the method accessed
We will continue to promote quality in translation, because communication is a daily challenge and when it comes to communicating in another language, the challenge is even greater.

In order to achieve this, we encourage collaboration...
  • between translators and clients, so that they can also translate non-written speech; 
  • between translation companies, so that together we can ensure that the language barrier ceases to exist; 
  • with specialists in different activity sectors, and with different sectors related to languages (interpreting, voiceover, learning, e-learning…) 
This year, we have approached the small businesses and individuals and we have listened to their needs. In short: they want a more intuitive and friendly website.

Hopefully the new website can meet the needs of both our clients and translators and we look forward to the future growth of collaborations, partnerships and client service.

Our page will be finalised in a couple of weeks, but we wanted to give you a flavour of what is soon to come.

First step we will be inviting our translators to upload their new profiles, second step our partners will be joining in and, last but not least, we will invite our clients to join and share their experience.

Wishing you had a happy celebration of International Translation Day!

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