November 2015 Newsletter

                                                          November 2015 Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter, after what we planned as our networking month, could not contain better stories and adventures. Great experiences, great lessons to learn, great way to do things differently and getting excellent feedback from all people. What an amazing learning experience.

International Translators Day

The starting point of our adventure. We decided to celebrate with your yearly  “Language Awareness Flashmob”. Not many attendants, which shows that we need to improve our organisational skills in this area, but such a precious feedback, that we are already planning 2016!

In 7 years in Leeds, the piano in the picture, at the Leeds Train Station, is the first message (after short term messages for the Tour de France) we have seen. We have to admit that the translation may not be the best quality I have seen, but at least it is a start!

We've always said that languages ​​and music were closely related. Here we go!

Leeds Business Week

What did I like most from the opening day? Hearing debates on issues that most concern us all, from different angles. We liked the message of Making Noise that reminded me the film shown at the Leeds International Film Festival twice: Sound of Noise. All is connected.

Seven years in Leeds now, a city that fascinates me, I can only endorse what was said by the panel: Leeds is diverse, but most important it is agile: the mix of the can do mentality and the passion for everything undertaken is a real gift with a great potential.

We were asked what we can do individually to help to improve areas we all know need extra support one way or another. I think we all can help with what they are best at, connectivity, education, mentoring. We can help to improve global communication. Making noise in the global arena. Leeds has many things to export and that will help to have a better Leeds.
And we have thousands of more experiences to tell about this amazing week. Thanks again to Yorkshire Mafia and to all participants for sharing their ideas (and some pictures) with us.  We wrote a short summary in our blog, but much more coming soon.


Thomas Friedman, in The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, wrote, "The world has been flattened ... global collaboration and competition – between individuals and individuals, companies and individuals, companies and companies, and companies and customers...have been made cheaper, easier, more friction-free, and more productive for more people from more corners of the earth than at any time in the history of the world."
As companies have gained increased access to new potential customers around the world, the need for support has increased.

Growing our digital presence internationally

MundoSpanish, an online platform that provides an excellent service to all companies that are in contact with Spain one way or another. Great model to help the digital arena to expand with the traditional touch of person to person approach. Congratulation to the prize they collected on Wednesday; well deserved. We don’t realiae how important it is to people to know about us, but not as a company, but as individuals. Thanks MundoSpanish for helping with this effort. In exchange we helped with the English version.

Being digital is great, it is easily accessible, immediate and visible to everyone, great advantages difficult to benefit from if not handled properly. Our online presence provide all of those and we provide the human side of it, incorporating online models of interaction into your processes with offline support.

Welcome to Globalization. Communicate effectively with culturally diverse people.                                                  Which language is right for you?

Keep up to date with TranslatorsVillage news on our other social media platforms:

_________________________________________________________________________________Translators, please, don’t forget to update your availability, so clients might benefit from your presence at TranslatorsVillage.

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