Leeds Business Week 2015

Pulling the petals off a daisy is an activity children are told has the same results as reading through a crystal ball: it allows us to see reality and therefore better controlling our future. I have no statistics on how reliable this is, probably very little because this action is never mentioned in professional life ... and yet we do it every day. Should I attend this event, what benefits does it report to me or to my business, how do I measure the success rate ...

If the mountain does not come to Leeds, Leeds must go to the mountain. Leeds Business Week is the product of Yorkshire Mafia’s efforts to create an environment that helps small businesses grow. The first time they organized this event they had a daisy around. Did it show the success it has today?  As a new entrepreneur, I attended previous years and this year my daisy told me to put a stand in one of the venues.

The week has had a wide range of choices: debates, presentations, seminars and always the enthusiasm of sharing experiences in a friendly atmosphere and affordable to everyone.

Big questions, request for more collaboration, large companies working with small and all wanting to help fill the gap progress makes with its giant footprints. Big and small working hand in hand in the region : what a treat to watch closely the pilot models Google and Vodafone are starting in Leeds and to  talk directly with business people regardless of size and status. We all have something to learn and something to share.

IMG_0154.JPGYou remember the smile you had when your daisy said what you wanted to hear? Well that's the smile we have now in our faces. Our special thanks to Yorkshire Mafia for organizing the event and make us all feel at home.


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