TranslatorsVillage on and some fun in Madrid!

Hey there!!

Just a quick update to let you know that we now have a profile page on!

Which means you can now all say how great we are as a translation agency!!

And, better still, we can tell the world how great YOU are too!! So have a click over to our new profile (it is still under construction, so bear with us) and ask us for a review, and while you are there, and if you think we are as great as we think you are, leave us a Blue Board post.

To celebrate that we are now part of the community, we have decided to go to a PowWow event on the 30th of June at 19:00 at Matadero Madrid.
Three members of staff will be there and we will give a very short, 5 minute, talk about how cool it is to work for a translation agency in the cloud.

If you want to sign up, you can hop over to

And then go and tweet or Facebook all about it using the hashtag


I hope to see some of you there and put faces to the names behind the emails!

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