TranslatorsVillage on and some fun in Madrid!

Hey there!!

Just a quick update to let you know that we now have a profile page on!

Which means you can now all say how great we are as a translation agency!!

And, better still, we can tell the world how great YOU are too!! So have a click over to our new profile (it is still under construction, so bear with us) and ask us for a review, and while you are there, and if you think we are as great as we think you are, leave us a Blue Board post.

To celebrate that we are now part of the community, we have decided to go to a PowWow event on the 30th of June at 19:00 at Matadero Madrid.
Three members of staff will be there and we will give a very short, 5 minute, talk about how cool it is to work for a translation agency in the cloud.

If you want to sign up, you can hop over to

And then go and tweet or Facebook all about it using the hashtag


I hope to see some of you there and put faces to the names behind the emails!

Summer is here

Summer is here (at least according to meteorologists if not our thermometers!) and at TranslatorsVillage we have been as busy as busy bees being busy on flowers and trees….

What have we been doing?

  •  we’ve taken on some new partners
  • we’ve changed all our IT infrastructure
  • we’ve updated our translation platform
  •  we’ve gone MOBILE FRIENDLY!
  • we are now available in GERMAN!
    • French, Italian, Dutch and others coming soon…
  • we have new GLOBAL TEAM MEMBERS in France, Germany, Holland, Latin America, UK and Spain
  • we accepted an invitation to join the UKTI e-Expertise Bank

Where have we been?

  •  attending the Yorkshire Mafia’s “Buy Yorkshire” Event
  •  networking and delivering presentations on “How Translation delivers Competitive Advantage”
  •  travelling the world (well, parts of it…) to find the best people to work with TranslatorsVillage
  •  attending Workshops with UKTI and Superfast Yorkshire
  •  working with Google at the Google Garage in Leeds
  •  meeting senior people at UKTI and Leeds City Council

So… what does all this mean to you, as an existing or prospective client?

Plenty!!      It means that…
  •  we have even more experienced and energetic colleagues to make sure you are happier than ever with our service
  • we now offer a package that reduces administration, time and costs so you can focus on the real business of increasing your exports
  • by continuously networking with exporters and business support agencies we keep in touch with the key issues and barriers, and work on solutions 

So, if you have used TranslatorsVillage before, many thanks and we look forward to serving you again. If not, well, we look forward to having the opportunity to show you how we work to ensure a translation is not just a translation but an asset that provides you with a competitive advantage in export markets.

Thanks for reading, and ‘til next time!!!
Your Multilingual, Multicultural, Multitalented TranslatorsVillage Team